Sub accounts allow you to manage the details of minors that you are responsible for as well as other people that you have attained consent from.
By creating sub accounts, you can switch between accounts to manage the details of others from your primary account without having to login to other accounts.
How to create a sub account:
1. Open sub-menu; Circle of Care;
2. Ensure you are on the Profiles section. Select 'Add'
3. Complete the details on the account information page;
4. Select Create Account
You will need to switch to the newly created account in order to update any details for it. To do this;
5. Open the sub-menu, Circle of Care ;
6. You will see all other accounts that you can manage the details for, select the one you wish to update;
7. Select Manage Sub Account to switch to this profile;
Note: To return back to your primary account, repeat steps 5,6 and 7, selecting your primary account instead.